Adding Variables and Methods

Adding variables

                 To a variable in a class it must be defined inside the class. At once a variable is added to a class it becomes instance variable.
                class Student
                                int reg_no;
                                 int mark_1;
                                int mark_2;
                Student                                                -              class name
                reg_no,mark_1,mark_  -              variables
                No memory space will be allocated to the above class. Because class definitions create only the template.

Adding Methods

                Methods are used to access the data fields in a class. To add a method it must be defined after the data field definition. At once a method is added to a class it becomes an instance method. The general form is,
Datatype method_name(parameter list)
        Body of the method

                Datatype             -              available data types such as int, float etc.
                method_name -              user defined name
                parameter list    -              list of variables separated by comma.
1. Data type represents the type of the data returned by the method.
2. The value of the parameter list should be supplied.
3. The parameter list may be empty.

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