Declarations of Variables
All variables present in the problem must be declared before it is used. This is done with the help of declaration statement. The general form is
Data-type variable list;
Data-type - valid data type such as int, char etc.
Variable unit - list of variable separated by comma.
Int a, b, c;
This declares a, b and c as integer variables and allocate memory space.
Use of declaration:
i. It gives name to memory location
ii. It allocates memory space
iii. It gives the types of data
Giving Values to variables:
Giving values to already declared variables is called assigning values to variables. this is done with the help of assignment operator (=). The general form is
Variable name = value;
1. X = 20;
2. PI = 3.14;
Initializing variable:
The process of assigning initial values to variables is called initializing variables. This is done at the time of declaration. the general form is
Data-type variable = initial value;
1. Int a11 = 100;
2. Char sex = ‘F’;
3. Double pay = 80.32;
4. Int a, b = 20;
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